A downloadable game

Little bit about the game

My game is a simple missile shooter. There will be missiles coming down on to your base and you have to protect your base by shooting the missiles before they reach the base. The player controls the lateral movement of a missile launcher and also is able to shoot 3 different types of missiles. The tricky part of the game is that you can only destroy a missile by shooting it with the missile of the same type. There are 3 types of missiles - a spherical, cylindrical and a cone shaped one. To destroy a spherical incoming missile, you have to shoot it with a spherical missile. There is no points or any visual feedback for how many missiles you have hit successfully or how much damage your base took. There isn’t also a win condition for the game. You can just play as long as you wish.

This is how my game looks right now, the black thing at the bottom is the player controllable missile launcher, you can see the 3 different types of missiles coming down. The green thing is the base you have to protect.

What I have done so far and how I reached here:

My first priority was to setup the camera and everything so that it looks like a 2d game. I created the base, player and the missile models from Maya and exported them to the game. Then I started working on the core loop of the game, missiles coming down randomly from the preassigned positions, the controls for the player and being able to shoot. All the controls of the player will be using my Controller System. After this is setup, I needed collision to register the actual shooting and destroying the missiles. I decided to use Luis Garcia Remes’s collision system, since I’m only dealing with 2D collisions. I’ve integrated his collision system into my project and was able to finish registering the collisions and resetting the missiles. 

More about Luis’s system

Here is a link to the collision system

Luis Garcia Remes's Collision system

The system was very easy to integrate, it can be done in not more than 2-3 minutes. Coming to the interface, the Run method which takes a list of colliders as input and returns all the pairs which have collided is really helpful. I really like the idea of it, because when I wanted to know about only certain colliders but not all, I could only specify the colliders I want in the collider list I’m passing to the function. It’s really simple yet super effective in my case. 

What’s next

The core loop of the game is pretty much finished and I have one more week to go before the submission. So, I guess I will be adding at least one more system before wrapping it up. I haven’t decided on which yet.  It will most probably be playing a sound when missiles collision occurs or a particle system spawns at the collision location.

Although it isn’t a stable build, you can download my pre-alpha stage game and play it. 

The controls are

Left stick - move player

Face Button Left (X) - Shoot sphere missile

Face Button Bottom (A) -  Shoot Cone missile

Face Buttom Right (B) - Shoot Cylinder missile


Download Game here 297 kB

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