A downloadable game

About the Assignment

This assignment is like a package of all the things we’ve done over the last two assignments. Create a new Builder project, load data from file convert into binary and load the binary file at run time. It is a good practice to do all the things in one go and is really helpful going forward with the system design.

Controls for movement

WASD – Move the Camera in respective direction

Q – Zoom in camera

E – Zoom out camera

Arrow Keys – Move the sphere in corresponding arrow direction


Screenshot of my game


How I finished the assignment

Much of the process for this assignment is to look at the details of the previous assignments to know what has been done at each step. Its just retracing the steps from the previous assignments.

Human readable effect file

Animating color effect file lua representation

Binary effect file

Animating color effect file – binary representation

File path during run time

As you can see in the binary effect file, I’ve added the “data/” prefix to the path in the lua representation. I did this because it is better to do at build time rather than at run time because it saves time (reading and adding data prefix at runtime is costly). But I end up using more bytes rather than what is needed. But I made the choice of having better processing time rather than efficient memory usage. I’ve also added the vertex shader path length, so that I know how much I’ve to offset at the run time rather than calculating it in the run time. This again has the same disadvantage and advantage as above. All the Boolean values are converted into the uint8_t renderstate bits and converted into binary.

My code for extracting the two shader paths


Download game here 235 kB

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