A downloadable game

Engine System Update #1

What I did?

I started off by creating a new project and then setup the necessary dependencies. After some research on the internet, I tried to get whether the controller is connected from the functions defined in the winuser.h (Get Raw Input function specifically) and I was able to detect the controller. That felt really good but reading from the raw state seemed daunting as there are a lot of variables which didn’t make much sense to me.

And at the same time, I came across DirectInput and XInput libraries (Later JP suggested them too, I wasn’t sure whether I can use them in the beginning), and they provide some easy to use functions to get the states of the controller. After some research I choose to use XInput because it has some more functionalities like able to rumble the controllers also getting the headset states.

Then I started looking at the documentation of the Xinput library functions. I was able to implement two functions in my interface

  • -Bool IsConnected()
  • -Void RumbleController(float i_amount)

 Checking whether a controller is connected

Adding rumble when H key is pressed

I find this funny - I’m trying to do a Controller Input system and using keyboard to test whether it works

The first function will help to know whether any controllers are connected and the second function creates a rumble effect on the controller.

Further Steps:

  • Reading Input from the controller state
  • Enums for buttons
  • Call backs for button presses

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